Since 1970, St. Lawrence Lodge has been and continues to be recognized for the renowned level of care it gives its residents, and the comfort and peace of mind it thereby provides to the family members and friends who remain so closely connected to all who reside with us.
The Foundation seeks your compassionate donations to ensure that St. Lawrence Lodge is able to sustain its trademark level of care, and preserve a caliber of amenities and professional services truly worthy of the precious lives within.
We humbly ask for your support in recognition of the care St. Lawrence Lodge has extended to your loved ones, and will provide to others like you who have faced or will face the same long term care needs in the years to come.
We, too, realize that vital to your willingness to make a donation is the knowledge that the Foundation will accept and manage your donation responsibly, wisely, and transparently towards providing the kind of care you have come to know at St. Lawrence Lodge. To this we give our assurance that your act of kindness will truly find its way home.
Donations from private individuals, estates, and organizations are gratefully acknowledged for their generous contributions that enhance the quality of life of residents of St. Lawrence Lodge.
All requests are deductible for income tax purposes, and a receipt is provided by the Foundation. For those of you who wish to make a donation, click here. To make an offline donation, kindly contact the Business Office, at 613-345-0255.