Committee of Management

St. Lawrence Lodge is governed by the Long Term Care Homes Act. Under the Act’s legislation, municipal long term care homes are required to establish a governing body known as the Committee of Management. Each municipal partner of St. Lawrence Lodge appoints members to the Committee of Management.

The following individuals are appointed as members of the Committee of Management:

City of Brockville

United Counties of Leeds Grenville

Town of Prescott

Town of Gananoque

Councillor Mike Kalivas – Chair

Councillor Louise Severson

Mayor Robin Jones – Vice Chair

Mayor Herb Scott

Mayor Arie Hoogenboom

Councillor Ruth Lockett

Councillor Colin Brown

The St. Lawrence Lodge Committee of Management meets at 9:00 am on Tuesday mornings during the fourth full week of each month in the St. Lawrence Lodge Boardroom. Agendas and Minutes are available by visiting our Agendas, Minutes, and Reports page.